
Modern IT solutions for state agencies and LGU

We offer solutions for the whole range of business process automation which meet the real needs of time and reckon features of state authorities or local self-government, as well as of enterprises, institutions, and companies with a similar organizational type of processes

Various opportunities for modern cities and states operation

Various opportunities for modern cities and states operation

Improve interaction between various state authorities and also between the state and citizens, simplify the provision of administrative and electronic services, convert paper document flow into an electronic one, automate work on documents and take care of their safe storage, increase employees' executive discipline, and eventually, you will save time and budget funds

Electronic documents workflow establishment

Electronic documents workflow establishment

Get rid of paper red tape — automate various business processes of the full life cycle of classic document flow (registration of incoming documents or citizen appeals, work with resolutions, execution control, creation and approval of outgoing documentation, internal correspondence, etc.). The implementation of our solutions allows you to significantly save time and resources, strengthen control at every stage of work on documents, simplify the interaction between employees and increase their productivity, and provide round-the-clock protected access to the required data anywhere and by any device. Our softXspace Government electronic document management system meets the data security requirements of the G2 guarantee level and DSTU-4145-2002, which is confirmed by an official expert certification, so you can be sure of the reliability of storing information and documents. Equally important is that our system is protected by copyright, that greatly simplifies the procurement procedure and reduces implementation time

Legally significant document workflow

Legally significant document workflow

Implement a modern electronic document workflow that gives full legal force to documents signed in the system with the visualization of a digital signature - with no required printing, though equated to paper originals with seals and signatures. Thanks to a legally significant document workflow, it is possible to greatly shorten the time for document approval and signing - from 2-3 weeks to 2 days, standardize processes, reduce costs for chancellery and document storage, get rid of logistical costs for moving paper copies between territorially distributed offices

Document archives management

Document archives management

Optimize and automate all processes related to the accumulation, record-keeping, and transfer of archival documents: work on archival files and volumes, establishment and maintenance of cases nomenclature, picking of cases in divisions, transfer cases from divisions to the archive, issuing on a temporary use, control of storage terms, document destruction processes, document search, reporting, providing a 24/7 access to necessary documents. The implementation of the solution will significantly minimize the costs of maintaining a paper archive, eliminate the risk of document loss or damage, and increase the efficiency of work with document flow in government structures



The solution provides a complete processing cycle of citizen appeals (individuals and legal entities) to get administrative services and equipped with such process automations: template filling, creating a description of documents, determining the terms of their processing, providing a response (service output), etc.
As a result, it will significantly improve the application submitting procedure, reduce the time and money spent on their processing, connect related organizations as needed, and increase employees' executive discipline and control and reporting level. Most important is that the solution establishes a reliable interaction between the state and citizens

Conducting the municipal services to a digital format

Conducting the municipal services to a digital format

Create a modern information space for obtaining administrative and electronic services, and provide interaction between the state and the citizen/legal entity online without visiting the ASC offices. The public services portal and citizen's office implementation will make it possible to: see the history of user appeals, have access to statistics and news, configure reference information, get current templates of documents for services receiving, and get help via Telegram or Viber bot. This is the most simplified provision of administrative and electronic services for minimal financial costs and time

A unified system of local petitions

A unified system of local petitions

Connect an automated system that will allow citizens to submit online petitions to the local self-government body and review or sign already submitted petitions, thus influencing the decision-making process priorities establishment at the community level. Joining the system will provide the necessary efficiency of communications between the executive authority and citizens and increase the executive discipline and transparency of petition processing. Also, based on this solution, a system of petitions to the Cabinet of Ministers was developed that allows citizens of the entire country to initiate and support petitions to the central body of executive power

Participatory budgeting (Community budgeting)

Participatory budgeting (Community budgeting)

If you want to increase residents' interest level in their city or community improvement, create effective and transparent interaction mechanism, and improve living conditions, join the Participatory Budgeting (Community Budgeting) system. This system allows citizens to submit projects online for review by the local self-government body, and view or vote for already submitted projects, thus influencing the distribution of a certain share of local budget funds

Conducting meetings and making efficient management decisions

Conducting meetings and making efficient management decisions

Automate all business processes of the collegial body (commissions, working groups, supervisory boards, and others) and use the modern system functionality. Using this solution, you will be able to prepare meeting questions handy and easily, use the flexible designer of questions approval, automatically create the agenda and protocols based on the meeting results, vote, monitor the execution of set assignments, and much more. As a result, you will get the time and resource savings on meetings establishing and holding, and permanent access to the system for officials who can now make decisions at any convenient time and from anywhere

Establishing a unified information space

Establishing a unified information space

The corporate portal acts as a source of publicly available foremost and helpful information (normative, management, accumulated knowledge) presented in a structured form that significantly reduces the time to search for it. With the corporate portal, you will receive a tool for establishing corporate culture, due to which the level of employees' awareness and the speed of information dissemination within the structure increases. Each employee will get an opportunity to easily search for colleagues by phone book and search for information or documents on the portal with secure 24/7 access. In a word, the efficiency of vertical and horizontal communications will increase

Optimization of typical HR procedures and other personnel processes

Optimization of typical HR procedures and other personnel processes

The solution makes it possible to simplify and increase the work efficiency of the personnel department in the budgetary sector. Manage HR processes easily: create requests for staff recruitment, employees training, or their transfer to another department, issue references from the workplace, approve the vacation schedule, make changes to the staffing table, etc.

Paperless legally significant document workflow with counterparties

Paperless legally significant document workflow with counterparties

Save the company's resources on document exchange, reduce the time for decision-making, and increase the speed of business processes to achieve greater loyalty of partners, suppliers, and customers. Achieving such results will be helped bay solution for the automation of document workflow with counterparties and the exchange of legally significant documents certified by QES from anywhere and any device. Create a registry of reliable and verified counterparties after they have passed the accreditation and pre-verification process. The external counterparty portal allows you to approve, sign and send documents, process tasks, discuss received documents, and manage authorized representatives and signatories in your personal account. The existence of a personal account for each company's counterparty will help to exchange contracts, invoices, acts, and specifications, take orders and requests, or provide access to corporate information, services and support

Automation of requests and services

Automation of requests and services

Simplify the work of state bodies employees by automating business processes of various types of requests and services: claiming consulting services from the company's security service, asking for room admission (office, department, division, management service, etc.), requests for meeting rooms, lunch delivery, stationery, cleaning, or equipment repair, ordering a company car, requests for setting up electrical appliances, printer cartridge refilling, asks for approving business trips, etc. The solution will save time for processing requests and receiving services without the requirement of the applicant's personal presence and will increase process management and security

End-to-End automation

End-to-End automation

Building an end-to-end automation and business process management system (BPMS) that completely transforms the company's operation and covers all its divisions. Our softXspace platform will help you to efficiently manage all internal and external processes, from the classic document workflow and HR to interaction with counterparties and automation of back and front offices

Scan and recognition

Scan and recognition

Our module scan&recognition makes possible the implementation of text recognition functionality from any format of scanned documents, the search of scanned documents by textual content, as well as document stream scanning (in particular with a digital signature) into the system and operating with QR and barcodes. As a result, the data entry speed will significantly increase, regardless of its type. At the same time, the data reliability is guaranteed due to the high quality of recognition output and the presence of verification stages in the business process of document recognition. The efficiency of searching for documents in the electronic archive will also significantly increase - the search is carried out in the text or by document attributes as well

Connect integrations

  • softXspace platform

    With the help of the softXspace platform capabilities, you can transform your everyday routine work, automate processes and create a modern information space in a short time with minimal costs. Our Low Code tools for the personal development of business processes without programming will allow you to quickly build individual forms, cards, and many more

  • softXspace product line

    You can quickly integrate our ready-to-go products with a document workflow system, contract automation, procurement management, etc. Powerful open API (REST, SOAP, a full-fledged CMIS standard implementation) allows you a rapid integration of the product into the company information space


    Ability to connect to the System of Electronic Interaction of Executive Bodies (SEIEB), which aims to automate document workflow and establish a unified information space for the registration, reception, analysis, and store of organizational and administrative documents of the executive authority bodies in electronic form using QES

Our products for public sector

All products
  • LowCode/NoCode platform

    LowCode/NoCode platform for automating business processes and developing your own solutions without programming

  • PDF & Print technologies

    Fill-fledged work with PDF documents and electronic invoices. Support of electronic invoice creation and processing in ZUGFeRD, XRechnung, Factur-X formats, all standards

  • App for Microsoft 365

    Unified digital workspace and fast business processes automation in your Microsoft 365


LowCode/NoCode platform

LowCode/NoCode platform for automating business processes and developing your own solutions without programming


PDF & Print technologies

Fill-fledged work with PDF documents and electronic invoices. Support of electronic invoice creation and processing in ZUGFeRD, XRechnung, Factur-X formats, all standards


App for Microsoft 365

Unified digital workspace and fast business processes automation in your Microsoft 365


Ready-to-Use product for softXspace platform

We use only modern and proven technologies

We use only modern and proven technologies

Besides our ready-to-go products and solutions, we offer a full range of individual development, implementation, and support services. Our technical teams are provided with high-qualified experts, and regarding our clients' requests we propose developing on such modern platforms and related technologies: Alfresco Community Edition, Nintex K2, Microsoft 365 (Power Platform, Azure, SharePoint, Teams), OpenText Documentum, softXspace, pdfXpansion, OrchardCore

 We recommend watching our webinar record
Webinar recording

1 hour 7 minutes

Just watch now

We recommend watching our webinar record

From this video, you will know about our experience in implementing modern IT solutions in the public sector and about the advantages and perspectives of the softXspace Government electronic document workflow system

Why do companies entrust solving their tasks just to us?

  • 10+

    years of successful operation in the state IT solutions market

  • 40+

    satisfied clients of the state authority bodies and local self-government in particular, and institutions with similar organizational processes

  • 50+

    successfully completed projects for the state authority and local self-government bodies

  • 15+

    developed software products for public sector automation

  • 100+

    highly-qualified experts

  • 360°

    full range of services, starting from examination and creation of business requirements to implementation and support

Our clients

Mariupol City Council

Local self-government body

Kryvyi Rih City Council

Local self-government body

Baltic City Council

Local self-government body

Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities

Defends and lobbies ATC interests at the regional and local levels throughout Ukraine

Vinnytsia City Council

Local self-government body

Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine

Forms and implements state policy in the field of fuel and energy complex

Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine

Implementation of state policy in the field of combating cybercrime

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Forms and implements state policy in the field of digitalization

Eastern Europe Foundation

Charitable non-profit Ukrainian organization

Rubizhne City Council

Local self-government body

Chortkiv City Council

Local self-government body

Shakhivska Amalgamated Territorial Community

Local self-government body

Ready to start?

The best way to get acquainted with solutions is to ask for a personal demonstration. Our expert will show you in detail how it is possible to improve state bodies' operation

What’s new?

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    November, 2021

    Роботу зі створення системи було розпочато ще у 2017 року, а вже наступного року було проведено пілотування «Вулика» у десяти ЦНАПах. У 2020-2021 роках відбулося розширення функціоналу та завершення розробки системи «Вулик»

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  • soft Xpansion на головній digital-події країни «Diia Summit-2022»

    February, 2022

    Компанія soft Xpansion протягом останніх років брала участь у загальнодержавних проєктах, які на сьогодні вже сприяють цифровізації держави, спрощують доступ громадян до отримання державних послуг та змінюють країну на краще

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  • Понад 1 млн українців скористалися сервісом «Громадський бюджет»

    December, 2021

    Сервіс надає можливість мешканцям пропонувати свої проєкти місцевого розвитку та/або впливати на розподіл визначеної частки коштів місцевого бюджету шляхом голосування за ті чи інші проєкти

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soft Xpansion завершила розробку Інформаційної системи «Вулик»

November, 2021

Роботу зі створення системи було розпочато ще у 2017 року, а вже наступного року було проведено пілотування «Вулика» у десяти ЦНАПах. У 2020-2021 роках відбулося розширення функціоналу та завершення розробки системи «Вулик»

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soft Xpansion на головній digital-події країни «Diia Summit-2022»

February, 2022

Компанія soft Xpansion протягом останніх років брала участь у загальнодержавних проєктах, які на сьогодні вже сприяють цифровізації держави, спрощують доступ громадян до отримання державних послуг та змінюють країну на краще

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Понад 1 млн українців скористалися сервісом «Громадський бюджет»

December, 2021

Сервіс надає можливість мешканцям пропонувати свої проєкти місцевого розвитку та/або впливати на розподіл визначеної частки коштів місцевого бюджету шляхом голосування за ті чи інші проєкти

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