

We offer high-quality services for testing mobile apps, web apps, business processes, complex enterprise solutions, and other software

Full range of testing services

  • Development of test cases/scenarios

    We always try to achieve the best quality of our solutions and meet our customers’ expectations. That’s why our experts develop detailed testing scenarios of solutions deployment and operation, its convenient use, safety, integrations correctness, etc. Such actions help to model conditions where the system will operate in productive exploitation and correct in time some operation errors for the next stable and comfortable system's work

  • Development of testing documentation

    We always develop detailed documentation for the best quality of software testing and testing processes efficiency. Standing on our experience, it allows you to greatly improve product quality and monitor testing execution plans and goals. Usually, documentation includes test strategies, plans, and specifications, that describe in detail testing methods and procedures, test cases, criteria of product quality evaluation, etc.

  • Automatic and manual testing

    We offer both automatic and manual software testing. Using manual testing, our experts are making Unit Testing, Integration Testing, User Acceptance Testing, Release Testing, and others. At the same time, for time and resource savings, we can use specific utilities for the automation of code testing, GUI, API, etc.

Load testing

Load testing

Load testing

Creating scripts for automation of load tests (НP LoadRunner, JMeter) and scripts for generating big amounts of data 

Conducting regular load tests to prevent the system’s productivity degradation 

Conducting system fault tolerance tests – imitation of malfunctions on different system levels under the high load to track the system's capabilities for providing fault tolerance proceeding 

Measurement of the system’s productivity under various load conditions and combined cases, conducting stress tests 

Diagnosis of the system’s `bottlenecks, determination of productivity limit values, providing recommendations about possibilities for increasing the productivity 

Implementing productivity monitoring as a part of high-load systems productive exploitation, development and implementation of the capacity management process

One of our cases of software testing

One of our cases of software testing

One of our cases of software testing

Providing load testing for imitation of simultaneous work of 20 000 bank system users, which contains data of 10 000 000 clients. After a complex of optimizations, the high-loaded system got the capability to serve 5 times more simultaneously working users with the same existent equipment

Our technology expertise is 25+ years of operation with the most efficient software platforms

One of our cases of software testing

Our technology expertise is 25+ years of operation with the most efficient software platforms

We have rich experience in testing both our own solutions and custom-ordered software on such modern platforms and related technologies: Alfresco Community Edition, Nintex K2, Microsoft 365 (Power Platform, Azure, SharePoint, Teams), OpenText Documentum, softXspace, pdfXpansion, OrchardCore

Why are we worth being chosen?

  • 10+

    years of experience in testing high-performance enterprise applications

  • 8+

    years of experience in testing mobile and web applications

  • 6+

    years is the average experience of the testing laboratory team’s members

  • 20+

    large projects with load testing and system optimization, including for banks, holdings, and big companies

Our clients


Провідний у світі та найбільший в Україні виробник та експортер соняшникової олії


Cвітовий лідер з виробництва сталі

Нафтогаз Цифрові Технології 

Перший внутрішній сервісний ІТ-центр у державному секторі України

Raiffeisen Bank

Один із лідерів банківської системи України


Міжнародна гірничо-металургійна група компаній, одна з найбільших компаній Центральної та Східної Європи

Піреус Банк

Найбільший грецький банк та компанія в країні

Банк Південний

Одним з найбільших комерційних банків з українським капіталом на вітчизняному фінансовому ринку

1+1 media

Один з найбільших медіахолдингів України

COFCO Agri Resources Ukraine

Один з найбільший виробників, переробників та трейдерів сільськогосподарської продукції

Криворізька міська рада

Орган місцевого самоврядування


Друге місце в Топ-20 найнадійніших банків України


Один з найбільших експортерів сирої олії та побічних продуктів переробки соняшнику з України

Міністерство цифрової трансформації України

Формує та реалізовує державну політику у сфері цифровізації

Енергодарська міська рада 

Орган місцевого самоврядування

Фонд Східна Європа

Благодійна неприбуткова українська організація

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What’s new?

  • Banking Proccessing Automatization and Centralization

    February, 2025

    Streamline your banking operations with soft Xpansion's Low-Code/No-Code solutions. Manage documents, automate lending processes, optimize board meetings, and centralize data storage with eArchive and Back Office modules.

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  • eDocument Management on a modern Low-Code/No-Code platform

    January, 2025

    Low-Code/No-Code platform for enterprise process automation offering solutions like contract management, document handling, centralized eArchive, B2B collaboration, and integration with CRM, ERP, and other services. Features include automated workflows, template-based document creation, and digital signatures

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  • Document Management and Process Automation for Microsoft 365

    December, 2024

    softXspace365 offers a comprehensive solution for automating business processes within Microsoft 365. Features include a digital workspace, no-code process automation, document management with templates and archiving, task tracking, and seamless integration with tools like DocuSign.

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Banking Proccessing Automatization and Centralization

February, 2025

Streamline your banking operations with soft Xpansion's Low-Code/No-Code solutions. Manage documents, automate lending processes, optimize board meetings, and centralize data storage with eArchive and Back Office modules.

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eDocument Management on a modern Low-Code/No-Code platform

January, 2025

Low-Code/No-Code platform for enterprise process automation offering solutions like contract management, document handling, centralized eArchive, B2B collaboration, and integration with CRM, ERP, and other services. Features include automated workflows, template-based document creation, and digital signatures

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Document Management and Process Automation for Microsoft 365

December, 2024

softXspace365 offers a comprehensive solution for automating business processes within Microsoft 365. Features include a digital workspace, no-code process automation, document management with templates and archiving, task tracking, and seamless integration with tools like DocuSign.

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