
YouControl and soft Xpansion are partners now!

19 kwietnia 2023

YouControl and soft Xpansion became partners, and this means that from now we will work together to create even more useful and interesting solutions for our clients.

We are very excited about this new collaboration and confident that it will help improve the quality of our products. Previously, we have already implemented solutions for our clients that used YouControl for monitoring and verifying counterparties, which have helped to constantly increase work efficiency every day. 

Now, our clients will be able to easily and quickly receive the most useful solutions of any complexity to provide both comfortable and safe business operations: 

  • Ready-to-use connectors to YouControl services in ready-to-use products on the softXspace platform and ready-made solutions for Microsoft 365 
  • Streamlining daily work procedures for obtaining reference and analytical information about their clients, suppliers, or partners
  • Automatic updating of data on financial, tax, judicial information, bankruptcy information, debts, sanctions, and more 
  • Collecting analytical information and using monitoring tools

In addition, partnership with YouControl will allow us to effectively develop joint projects. We will organize informative events so that our clients can learn about the latest opportunities for our products first.

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