
The interaction between ASCs and other institutions by the SEIEB has become more convenient now!

19 grudnia 2022

The softXpansion company, the IS Vulyk developer, never stops, thus our team continuously attempts to make the service better both for citizens and ASC employees. With the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, we modernized the functionality of the IS Vulyk in part of the interaction with the System of Electronic Interaction of Executive Bodies (SEIEB). 

What’s new: 

  • Applications processing time decreased. The operation of ASC employees is 3x times faster due to reducing steps to send citizen applications from the ASC to the administrative service providers 
  • System compatibility with various service providers (ASP). Now, there is a possibility to send applications to state authorities not included in the IS Vulyk and receive the review results within the SEIEB 
  • Flexible functionality. On document package sending from the ASC to the ASP, the administrator can choose the main document (citizen application, documents description, etc.) on their own 

In addition, our team has completely tuned-up interaction with administrative services provided by the SE National Information Systems (NAIS).

After the functionality modernization, we conducted a survey among ASCs already connected to the IS Vulyk. The results showed that the vast majority of ASCs are satisfied with the IS Vulyk operation and modernized tools.  

The Head of the Administrative Service Center in the Irkliiv Village Council notes: “Our ASC department already uses the modernized functionality and gets answers from the NAIS within the Vulyk. The process of sending requests and receiving answers was quite complicated and slow before. But now, due to the cooperation of the IS Vulyk developers with the NAIS representatives sending applications by the SEIEB to register testaments and receive answers are refined and much simplified!” 

We want you to remind that IS Vulyk is a modern system for providing fast and convenient service to citizens in ASCs throughout any part of Ukraine. Every ASC in Ukraine can join the IS Vulyk and get a free modern tool for quality servicing citizens. Connection of new ASCs to the system is really easy – only the electronic request is needed by the link:

The Information System Vulyk was developed as part of the "EGO4UKRAINE" project of the "U-LEAD with Europe" program at the expense of donors to support Ukraine with the cooperation of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the "Academy of Electronic Management", and the softXpansion company.

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