
soft Xpansion strengthens its office in Vinnitsa

19 sierpnia 2020

The development of the soft Xpansion office in Vinnitsa primarily resulted in a significant increase in computing power and development of the company’s IT structure. The server park and network infrastructure were modernized. Leading departments for the development and implementation of projects for electronic document management and archiving, the creation of portal solutions and the implementation of integration projects received new modern software and hardware. The company’s test laboratory was also upgraded separately. This will allow the company to implement the most complex testing scenarios both within its own projects and when performing custom solutions for the development and testing of third-party software. 

“The need to strengthen our office in Vinnitsa is primarily due to the increased number of projects we are performing,” notes Eduard Prodedovich, General Director of the company, creating design databases and much more. Now our capacities allow us not only to meet current needs, but also provide a significant reserve for future projects. ” 

In connection with the growth of implemented projects, soft Xpansion also pays significant attention to replenishing its staff with highly qualified specialists: developers, programmers, testers, etc. At present, the company’s staff is constantly expanding. soft Xpansion traditionally pays much attention to improving the qualifications of its specialists, who on an ongoing basis undergo training and certification from leading software manufacturers.

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