
soft Xpansion has extended a partnership agreement with K2

19 grudnia 2019

Due to the status of Value Added Reseller Partner, soft Xpansion company has extended its official partnership with SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. (USA). The partnership agreement of the companies provides for the authority to develop and implement solutions on the K2 platform, provision of consulting services and the ability to supply licenses for K2 products to end customers. 

Confirmation of successful cooperation of the two partners is the result of a large-scale project based on the K2 platform and the Microsoft SharePoint cloud platform for the world’s leading and largest in Ukraine producer and exporter of sunflower oil – Kernel. In the course of the project, soft Xpansion introduced legally significant electronic document management, coordinated procedures and HR processes were automated, archives of regulatory and reference information, legal documents and court cases were created, and the main requests of employees of the company-customer were automated. 

“To ensure a high level of competence, soft Xpansion specialists successfully passed the qualification examinations and received the corresponding certificates. – the general director of the company Eduard Prodyedovich notes, “For our customers this is a guarantee of the quality of the proposed solutions.” 

Due to the flexibility and powerful tools of the K2 blackpearl platform, including through visual design tools, it is possible to quickly develop and implement process-oriented information systems, enhance functionality and upgrade existing solutions in accordance with the new needs of customers. In addition, the K2 platform has powerful integration capabilities, so it can serve as a channel for combining disparate systems into a single information space. 

In combination with the powerful portal capabilities of the SharePoint platform, K2-based solutions cover a wide range of automation tasks used in the development of internal and external portals, project management systems, automation of production processes, creation of CRM-class products and electronic archives. 

The K2 blackpearl platform is one of the most functional BPM products for the Microsoft SharePoint platform. The headquarters of the platform developer, SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc., is located in Bellevue, Washington (USA). To date, more than 4 million users in 84 countries, including about 30% of Fortune-100 companies, use the K2 platform to meet various business challenges. 

soft Xpansion became an official partner of SourceCode Technology Holdings, Inc. in January 2018.

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