
Oficjalne stanowisko firmy soft Xpansion w sprawie wojny na Ukrainie

01 lipca 2024

Dear friends – compatriots!  

It’s been a month since the lives of all of us have been divided into “before” and “after”. For a month now, we have been waking up to the sound of sirens, bombs and rockets keep falling on Ukrainians’ houses. It’s been a month since the War in our country started…The russian army continues to destroy the lives of Ukrainians by committing atrocities: brutally killing innocent people, destroying infrastructure and cultural heritage, but they will never be able to destroy the unity and courage of the Ukrainian people, their desire to be free and have a happy future. At present, Ukraine is defending the world from tyranny, standing up for the values it shares with Europe and the world.

Our company soft Xpansion condemns the russian government’s attack on Ukraine and support Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and refugees. We are very grateful to our defenders, who bravely defend our country from the enemy day and night for the sake of peace, freedom, integrity of Ukraine, our life, and most importantly – the lives of our children!

We are sure that, like our company, many are ready to help, so we have compiled a proven list of options for financial and humanitarian assistance:   

Even in such very difficult times that our country is currently experiencing, the Ukrainian office of soft Xpansion continues to work and support the economy of our country!

We continue to provide technical support to Customer’s systems, as far as current circumstances allow. We continue to carry out projects and provide feedback on the sale of the company’s systems and solutions. 

We will definitely win, because we are on our land, the truth and the whole world is on our side. Glory to Ukraine! 

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