
Digital workspace in Microsoft 365 for the Swiss company Siloxene

01 października 2023

The joint efforts of the soft Xpansion and Siloxene teams resulted in the successful implementation of a range of modern digital solutions that enabled the establishment of a unified digital space and increased the efficiency and performance of Siloxene's employees. 

Siloxene had requested a specialized solution from soft Xpansion to address issues such as unstructured documents, excessive time spent on routine operations, and the need to work in multiple environments simultaneously. 

After investigating the project's requirements, both teams developed a range of solutions to help build a unified digital space. These solutions included: 

  • A complex record-keeping and inventory system
  • An automated system for generating Safety and Technical Datasheets for chemical products in multiple languages
  • Unified document storage system with enhanced security features and search capabilities 
  • A module for work planning 
  • Integration modules for Microsoft 365 with Zoho Projects and Zoho CRM 

Thanks to the professional work of both teams, the unified digital space was established in a short time, improving cooperation between employees and achieving significant results, including reduced search times for equipment, simplified everyday work, streamlined procedures for equipment issuing and ordering, and completely automated generation of technical documentation. 

Siloxene's COO, Gary Honegger, expressed confidence in the implemented solutions' ability to strengthen the company's position in the market, improve internal processes, and achieve more results. 

The CEO of soft Xpansion, Eduard Prodyedovych, expressed pride in the company's software products and real experience, which help clients quickly and easily digitize their business and increase employee efficiency and convenience to achieve the best possible results.

Siloxene is a Swiss company founded in 2020, specializing in the development and commercialization of a new class of silicon-based hybrid molecular building blocks.

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